Dicono di me

Susanna Agnelli – Fondazione “Il Faro”

Caro Maestro Albanesi, vorrei ringraziarla per l’amore, la dedizione e l’eccezionale lavoro svolto presso la nostra Fondazione “Il Faro”.
La Sua professionalità e le Sue straordinarie capacità fanno di lei un esempio per tutti i nostri ragazzi.
Per noi è un grande privilegio poter annoverare tra i nostri docenti il “Bimbo de Oro” della panificazione e della pasticceria.

Luigi De Lucia – President Italian Bakery Cafè

I am writing this recommendation letter on behalf of Mr. Fabio Albanesi, as a Baker of Extraordinary Ability without doubts. Fabio was employed in Italian Bakery Cafè Srl since October 2007, and he is still charged as baker of our company in a capacity of Chef Director of production.
I have had the opportunity of examining the work and professional qualifications of Mr. Fabio Albanesi, whose professional qualifications are very impressive as I could prove myself thanks to his professional story and resume he has in Italy and internationally in Russia and in Dubai, as also easily can be read on the various articles on specialized magazines and newspapers about Fabio.
In Russia Fabio operated the training program for my company SANNIO SAB Academy, for Korston Group in Moscow, for Double Coffee in Sochi.
Mr. Fabio Albanesi has a very unique background, thanks to his skills and support our company reached the highest quality and the good market position on our very competitive market.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email if you have any question or concern. 

Bruno Colombo – Presidente Viaggi del Ventaglio

Esimio Maestro Albanesi, vorrei personalmente ringraziarla per l’ottimo e professionale lavoro svolto presso le nostre strutture nel corso di questo ultimo semestre.
La Sua profonda competenza e conoscenza della materia rappresenta per noi una vera risorsa.
Sono quindi a rinnovarle la disponibilità a proseguire il nostro percorso intrapreso, anche nel prossimo semestre, ovviamente sempre che Lei sia disponibile.
In attesa di Sue gradite nuove Le porgo i miei più cordiali saluti. 

Presidente Verona Fiere

Caro Fabio, è con immensa gioia e personale soddisfazione che ti scrivo facendo seguito al tuo recente ed ormai ennesimo traguardo raggiunto qui a SIAB.
Negli anni hai contribuito con le tue incredibili e stupefacenti opere a far diventare questa manifestazione e l’ente Verona Fiere tutta, un punto di riferimento a livello nazionale ed internazionale per la panificazione artistica.
Avere come partecipante il Maestro Fabio Albensi significa dare lustro e spessore alla manifestazione. 
Ti sono personalmente grato e auspico che il futuro possa valorizzare ancora di più le tue straordinarie capacità umane e professionali.

Con amicizia e profonda stima.

Marcello de Lucia – Presidente

Dear Sir /Madam, I am writing to commend to your attention that Master Fabio Albanesi was employed in for the pastry events from February 2008 till December 2011, and she was the Bakery Chef who was organizing the development of the recipes for our portal, the first webportal about the Italian bread.
Being the founder and owner of since 2007, I can underline that, Master Fabio proved to be a very innovative and able to connect the long tradition of Italian pastry with the modern approach to the technologies and the learning processes of the younger people.
Master Fabio was weel known since 1990 in Italy, operating in the city of Rome as one of the mos creative bakery and pastry chef, able to recreate any subject in cake and bread sculptures. Master Fabio Albanesi worked under my supervision in all the exhibitions where we had soles, in Rimini (Sigep), in Rome (Pabogel) and in Naples (Exposudhotel), and during these events she kept high her and our reputation, producing real masterpieces in the field of patry and cakes.
His professionalism helped herself and us to became a good benchmark for the pastry and bakery craftsmen. I would not hesitate to recommend Master Fabio Albanesi to any potential employer as I believe any operation will benefit from his experience and dedication. 

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